Boundless June

Spring being a tough act to follow, God created June. – Al Bernstein

What comes to mind when you think of the garden in the month of June? Hands down roses. Right? But in truth, June brims over in flowers of all sorts. Peony, iris, wisteria (American variety), foxgloves, astilbe, alliums, columbines, clematis, camassia, geraniums, baptisia, amsonia … the list is almost endless.

It is the garden’s enactment of ‘schools out!’ Restless, youthful energy unleashed.

Here in my corner, we are still experiencing weather that can only be described as peculiar. Too cold/too hot/too dry/too wet. Goldilocks is having a hard time pronouncing a day ‘just right‘.

The past week sizzled well into the 80’s. While it put us humans in a ‘high summer’ frame of mind, the flowers already on show were rudely booed out and the ones waiting in the wings found themselves rushed to stage front. I personally feel cheated of at least a week. A week in which I could’ve enjoyed the warm-up acts whilst in eager anticipation of the main show to come. Only a month ago, the unseasonably cool temperatures delayed the opening of myriad buds. And now the unseasonable warmth and humidity have done their deed. Not fair at all.

But enough of my kvetching. It is what it is. There is no more time to waste. The garden is there to be enjoyed. Weeding, watering and deadheading are the quotidian chores – all easily kept up with if done regularly. So there are plenty of hours each day to revel in the riot of flowers and lush growth. After all, who knows what turn the weather will take next.

In the potager, the leafy greens are already being picked daily for delicious, fresh salads. And the assorted herbs brighten everything from cocktails to sauces to grilled vegetables and seafood to fresh fruit desserts. Did I mention cocktails?!

Summer has indeed begun.

Enjoy the glut of photos this week! And please follow me on Instagram

Also, check out new additions of my fabric designs here



Iris and allium

Iris and allium

The meadow

The meadow

An explosion of alliums

An explosion of alliums









Bleeding hearts

Bleeding hearts

New Dawn roses

New Dawn roses






(c) 2016 Shobha Vanchiswar

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