I had planned on writing about something specific to gardening but my mind and heart have been filled with what’s happening in LA. It’s nothing short of devastating. When all is lost it is hard to see even a sliver of light at the end of what seems to be a very long, dark tunnel. For now, while we witness this reality unfolding, I submit to you 2 poems that I hope will give some food for thought and then some hopeful comfort. Most importantly and urgently, each of us must do whatever we can to help and assist those impacted.
Climate Change
Kangaroo floods leap across miles
Yankee storms hit with power
Aztec earthquakes sacrifice young lives
Norse volcanoes conjure blinding smoke.
Pacific winds fan relentless fires
Sumatran tsunamis wash countless souls
Bantu droughts parch migrating throats
Peking skies mark mankind’s limit
Polar icebergs diminish penguin turf.
Climate change at full throttle.
– Shobha Vanchiswar
Dark And Light
The light of day
sparkles honest
Cobwebs shimmer
rewards promised
Hope soars
confidence shines
Courage accompanies
mountains to climb
Sunrises occasion
plans anew
Clarity surfaces
Beliefs ring true
Nightfall arrives
slow and sure
Shadows lurk
luring fear
Darkness imposes
time to remember
Review, regret
call to surrender
Sunsets precede
hidden dreads
Anxiety reigns
awake in bed
Reality lies
in plain sight
There’s nothing in the dark
that’s not in the light.
-Shobha Vanchiswar
Some of my watercolors depicting snowscapes – a sense of serenity that we could all use right now. –

(c) 2025 Shobha Vanchiswar
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