Foxtails and Fireworks, Alliums and Allumettes!

It’s kinda quiet in the garden right now. Spring flowers are totally done and summer is yet to make her big splash. At this time, there are only a few dabs of color amidst a mostly green canvas. To some it means I haven’t planned well enough to maintain a continuous display of blooms. They are probably right. But I really don’t mind this lull – it coincides with my own switch to a summer state of mind and so my attention is taken up by planning for pool time, picnics, reading escapes, outdoor concerts, catching up with friends over dinners under the stars, vacation prep, siestas and numerous other vital seasonal pleasures. After all, we wait all year for this – a time when slowing down and sipping a tall afternoon drink of something potent is perfectly acceptable. One hardly needs the distraction of a garden shouting for attention right?

So, I’m quite happy to do just the basic chores of weeding, watering and deadheading and get on with finding my summer groove. Once firmly ensconced in the rhythm of the season and comfortably balancing to-dos with want-to-dos, I’m ready for some petal power to add zip to my days. Only then can I duly admire the flowers and not hurt their feelings. See? My not so great planning actually suits me. Stop rolling your eyes.

Anyway, gazing at the flowers that are in bloom including those almost on their way out, I’m struck by the similarities between them and the fireworks I so enjoyed yesterday. Yes, summer gives you permission to spend time cogitating upon such matters. Look it up. It’s in the fine print.

If you don’t believe my inspired comparison, use your imagination and check out the photos below:





Cranesbill geranium and allium

Cranesbill geranium and allium


Astilbe and geranium

Astilbe and geranium








Foxtail lily

Foxtail lily

Foxtail lily

Foxtail lily

(c) 2017 Shobha Vanchiswar

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