Food For Thought

By now, I hope you’ve had time to read my article from last week and found some motivation in the to-do list. As I’d indicated, I plan on sharing my thoughts on how we collectively can do better for our gardens and by extension the world at large.

I’m tackling #3 from that list which reminds one to keep bird feeders well supplied. Now, I firmly believe that if one lives in an area already rich in natural food supplies for the birds, then that is the best situation for them. Well planted gardens will not see a shortage of plumed visitors. Bird feeders are artificial food sources. More often than not, they are put up so we humans can enjoy observing the avian antics. If one were totally honest, a certain self-righteousness also comes into the picture – how kind and thoughtful we are by providing for them.

If the birds do not have adequate natural food sources, it’s because we, humans, have removed/changed their habitats to accommodate our needs for homes, industry, recreation and such. So, it is incumbent upon us to first provide for them by way of what we plant in our gardens, what sort of gardening practices we employ and by way of sound city/town planning, recreating green spaces such as woodlands, meadows and parks. Then, and only then should we consider bird feeders to augment their food supply. We mean well but birds are wild creatures and must be allowed to remain so. Otherwise, maintaining the delicate balance of a healthy environment will be untenable.

Having feeders in winter is about giving the non-migrating birds some food security. A helping hand of sorts. Keep in mind that the typical blend of seeds is meant to serve a mix of bird species. In nature however, different types of birds do not mingle or feed together. So, feeders create competition and/or aggressive behavior that is not seen in the wild. Therefore, understand that observations made by watching feeding birds is not of their typical behavior.

I have deep reservations regarding feeders put up at other times of year. We want to have our gardens and green spaces to fulfill the needs of the birds. They need to forage the way Nature intended for them. Additionally, in spring and summer when most birds are feeding their young, bird seeds do not provide the high amount of protein those baby birds require to grow healthy and strong. Insects and worms do that. Data shows that when feeders are around, the parent birds go the easy route because foraging is very hard work! We really aren’t doing them any favors by altering their natural habits. Gives pause for thought I hope.

If (winter) feeders are put up, then, they must be kept replenished continuously. If one is going away on vacation or for the holidays, then it is crucial to make suitable arrangements to keep the feeders in service. We cannot have dependent birds suddenly do without can we?

All of this is to say that if we are to feed our birds, we must always have their best interests at heart. Planting a diverse array of native plants, shrubs and trees should be our highest priority. Applying organic practices is non-negotiable. Like the well known saying “Give a man a fish, he eats for one day. But teach him how to fish and he eats for life”, lets be mindful, intentional and deliberate about how and why we support our birds. The fact is that humans need and depend on their service in pollinating, seed dispersal and pest control. In an ideal world, the birds do not need us. At all.

Full disclosure – Due to my own schedule of winter travel, I no longer put up feeders. The only feeders I put up are for hummingbirds because these tiny creatures need copious amounts of nectar not always in adequate supply if the climate affects the bloom time of flower or the heat causes flowers to die too soon. Of course, aforesaid feeders are installed when the diminutive ones return in mid to late spring until they depart in late summer/early fall.

Note: where you put up feeders matters. I once had an infestation of rats attracted by all the spilled seeds (birds are messy eaters). As a result, the rodents decided to check out my warm home very close by. I still shudder thinking of that experience.

(c) 2025 Shobha Vanchiswar

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A new year brings new hopes and plans. For many it is a fresh start – an opportunity to do over, make change or turn a new leaf. I’ve never been one to make resolutions per se but have instead aimed to do better. To work on improving myself wherever I’ve fallen short of my own expectations. Over the years I’ve learned it’s important to get more specific about it.

For instance, I love books and used to be a voracious reader. However, in recent years the time devoted to reading had diminished to the point that it really bothered me. And every year I’d say I’d read more – a couple of books or more every month. As easy as that seemed, I’m embarrassed to admit that with everything else taking up my time, I was lucky if it was a book a month. Until I hit upon the solution most suited for me. Instead of thinking reading was to be done when I had free time or at the end of the day, I now read first thing in the morning. For at least 30 minutes I indulge my love of reading – guilt free. Then, whenever some time frees up, I might read some more. This is usually more serious/non-fiction reading. At night, I read a few pages of something lighter before sleep takes over. As a result, I’m reading more and feeling so much better about myself. Simple personalized tweaking.

Similarly, in the garden, there are many chores that get done regularly but almost without attention or mindfulness. It’s great to tick off items on the to-do list but all too often they don’t get done as well as they ought nor with the application of better, more current information and sensibilities. We can do so much better. And that’s what I hope to bring to attention from here on. While a general list of what needs doing each month will be presented, we will consider what and how we can improve on some things. I hope you too will share your thoughts and ideas. #bettertogether !

And that’s what I’ve resolved. Who’s on board?

What to do in January –

  1. Survey the garden after every storm or snowfall. If any damage such as broken branches or torn off protection has occurred, try to fix it as soon as possible. Likewise, large icicles hanging from roof edges pose a threat to plants below: shield the plants if the icicles cannot be removed.
  2. Take down holiday decorations. Before disposing off the Christmas tree, cut branches to spread as mulch on flower beds.
  3. Keep bird feeders full. Whenever possible, have water available for the birds.
  4. Inspect stored tubers, corms and bulbs for signs of mold and rot. Get rid of any that don’t look healthy.
  5. This is a good time to examine the ‘bones’ of the garden. Make notes of what needs developing, changing or improving.
  6. Make icy paths safe by sprinkling sand or grit. Avoid toxic de-icing products.
  7. If ground is wet/soggy, take care to protect the sodden areas by not walking on it too much. Better yet, protect it by putting down a temporary path of wood planks.
  8. Take an inventory of garden tools. Get them repaired, replaced or sharpened.
  9. Gather up seed and plant catalogs. Start planning for the coming season.
  10. Begin forcing the bulbs kept cool since late fall. Time to start an indoor spring!
  11. Keep an eye on indoor plants ( in the house or greenhouse). Inspect carefully for signs of pests or disease. Act right away if either is detected. Organic practices only please.
  12. Still on indoor plants: water as needed, rotate for uniform light exposure, fertilize every two to four weeks. Remove dead or yellowing leaves.
  13. Enjoy the respite offered by this cold month. Busy season will be here soon enough.

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, productive 2025

With the garden asleep I hope you enjoy the sampling of my black and white watercolors of flowers

(c) 2025 Shobha Vanchiswar

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December Discourse

It’s that time of year when I look through the rear view mirror of the year and do a performance review of sorts. Based on that, I look ahead to the new year and accordingly make plans. In the interest of this blog, I shall focus on the garden.

The underlying factor that unquestionably impacted the garden in 2024 was the unpredictable weather. From a very mild winter that coughed up a single snowfall to an early spring that oscillated between cold and wet to mild and dry to a summer that got way too hot and had too much rain to a fall that was long, mild and very dry. We’ve been so dry that we’re under a burn ban of all categories as well as a water restriction warning till Dec 31. Naturally, it followed that leafing out, flowering and fruiting times of many plants were hastened or delayed. I can only imagine how much these uncertain conditions affected all other life forms that coexist with the plants. While most gardeners took it in stride, the writing is on the wall or more appropriately in this case, on the earth. Climate change is well underway.

In order to come to terms with it and be a responsible gardener, I’m giving the matter a great deal of thought and doing a fair amount of research. It can no longer be gardening as usual. New understanding, new attitudes and new ways are in order. Gardens and gardeners must change together with the climate. That is a tall order because change is not easy especially when it requires a lot to happen in a short amount of time. And time, for many things, is no longer unlimited. We must act now even as we adjust and adapt by the seat of our pants. There’s no how-to manual for the situation we’re in. However, gardeners are resilient, resourceful and always ready to learn and do what it takes to serve their piece of Paradise well.

So, come 2025, I intend to share my findings, thoughts and plans on how I intend to garden in this climate challenged world. I hope you too will give the matter your due consideration and communicate back to me. We are stronger together and together we can do our part to nurture our gardens and the world at large. That will be our legacy to the future.

I will not post next week. I will see you in the New Year!

Happy, healthy holidays to all!

Note: Scenes from my home and garden right now –

Seasonal images from elsewhere –

(c) 2024 Shobha Vanchiswar

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This, That And The Other

The biggest task got done over this past weekend. ‘The Great Bulbathon’ where over 1000 bulbs got planted. It was all hands on deck. What a relief. I’m indebted to all my under-gardeners – they’re such troopers for always going along with my plans. Hard to believe that until a dozen years ago, I’d do the job myself. But then, after years of suffering the aftermath of aching muscles in parts that I didn’t know existed, I got wise. I recruited help. Highly recommend that!

The lack of rain was evident as the ground was really hard even with the heavy duty drill we employed to make the holes. Let’s hope the drought comes to an end with some decent showers and we experience a more normal winter. I realize we are no longer able to define what normal is with any accuracy. The fact that we are on alert for brush fires is disturbing. Just this morning there was such a fire down county – a mere 25 minutes away.

In other doings, the clean, empty pots were put away, leaves were blown onto the beds to serve as winter mulch and subsequent nutrition for the soil. The greenhouse is full, the vertical garden empty and cut back/clean up done. A few minor chores remain but there’s no rush. The outdoor heater has been re-commissioned as we anticipate some more opportunities for outdoor gatherings and al fresco meals.

Wanting to preserve some of the fall foliage, I’d taken branches and tried the glycerin treatment. Timing is key as once the leaves are past a certain point, they do not respond to the glycerin. Woody stems may or may not suck up the glycerin-water solution. I did crush the stems to help them along. Of the four types of foliage, only an oakleaf hydrangea variety did really well. I dumped the rest. The beautiful burgundy leaved branches will add a lovely touch to the seasonal décor indoors.

Amaryllis were also started last week. This year, I decided to purchase wax coated bulbs to display on an antique stand a friend had recently given me. With any luck they will start growing soon and flower in time for Thanksgiving. One bulb arrived with a head start. I intend to have a second batch started in a couple of weeks for the remaining holiday season. With no potting or other upkeep, I’m looking forward to simplifying my to-do list.

The winding down of the hectic pace in the garden feels good. I fully intend to use the time on other projects both pending as well as new ones. All too soon my gardener soul will stir and I’ll start dreaming of new possibilities in the garden followed quickly by actual plans and purchases.

Happens every year.

(c) 2024 Shobha Vanchiswar

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November Is Lit!

This year, the month starts auspiciously with the celebration of Diwali – the festival of lights. The biggest Indian festival that is all about the triumph of good over evil. Lights of all manner illuminate homes, streets, neighborhoods, villages, towns and cities. Sweets of every sort are prepared or purchased, distributed, shared and consumed. New clothes are worn and duly shown off. Fireworks light up the skies all over the country. It is one hugely joyous time.

I myself am getting ready for the Diwali celebration at home albeit in a significantly smaller scale. The house will be sparkling with a significant number of candles. Outdoors, the solar powered lights have been set up. We in the lower Hudson Valley are currently on a red flag alert because of the very dry spell we have been experiencing. So fire pits and other kinds of hazards that could start a forest fire are banned. Should it be lifted by Friday, we plan to enjoy sparklers and light traditional Indian oil lamps. We, a small diverse group of family and friends will make merry and dine in good fun and fellowship.

The great bulb planting marathon is scheduled for this weekend. And they will light up the spring garden. I can already see it in my mind’s eye. Bulb planting is all about having faith in the future – that it will be better.

The elephant in the room or should I say in the month is of course the elections. Exactly a week away. To say I am totally stressed out is an understatement. Which is why this year, both Diwali and bulb planting have taken on a larger significance. My most sincere hope is for this nation to unite and preserve our democracy. A nation that values integrity, honesty, kindness, compassion, empathy, diversity, equality and inclusivity – traits that are the hallmark of our humanity and a great civilization.

So be sure to make your voice heard with your vote. Vote with your conscience and your heart.

And now, here is the to-do list for November –

1. First and foremost, put away all Halloween decorations. Set up Thanksgiving display – gourds, pumpkins, ornamental kales and cabbages, chrysanthemums and asters.

2. Having cut back plants and cleared debris, mulch all plant beds.

3. Hurry up and finish all pending tasks from last month!

4. Finish planting spring flowering bulbs.

5. Protect pots to be left outdoors, vulnerable plants such as boxwood, certain roses, and garden statuary.

6. Fill bird feeders.

7. Be prepared for snow and ice. Keep snow shovels, grit or sand, firewood stocked and handy.

8. In case of power outage, have candles, flashlights, matches and batteries on the ready. A radio too.

9. Finish raking leaves. But, as far as possible let fallen leaves remain as is to mulch, provide shelter to small critters and subsequently enrich the soil as they naturally decay. I only clear the tiny front front lawn and walking paths. Those leaves get blown into the beds. The leaves in the meadow are not touched.

10. Clean and store tools. Get appropriate ones sharpened.

11. Start setting aside seed and plant catalogs. Soon you will be planning for next year!

12. While the weather is pleasant enough, keep on weed watch!

13. In the greenhouse, be sure the heater is doing its job. Ventilation is also important to keep plants healthy.

14. Start a routine for regular watering of plants indoors. Keep vigil for early signs of pests or disease.

15. Start growing amaryllis and paperwhites for seasonal cheer. Similarly, put bulbs such as hyacinths, muscari , crocus and tulips in for cooling. (I use my refrigerator). In about fourteen to eighteen weeks, you can start forcing them and pretend it is spring!

16. Enjoy a beautiful Thanksgiving.

(c) 2024 Shobha Vanchiswar

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Worried About Weird

October – the month of strange and spooky sights culminating in the grand finale that is Halloween. But this year, the weather has decided to go all in and turned positively weird. And I’m a bit rattled. The month began typically enough with temperatures dipping as the days got distinctly shorter. That signaled to me to get cracking with the Fall chores in the garden. Having been away a while, I was behind in tasks like getting the greenhouse cleaned and its winter residents prepared for the move in. So I hustled. A few plants were already showing some stress from having been kept outdoors a tad too long. Finally, this past weekend the whole project got done. Whew!

However, by aforementioned weekend, the temperature had climbed to suggest we were back to summer. Sunny and warm felt great personally but not for this time of October in the garden. Positively unsettling. While most plants are retiring for the season and many have gone to seed, some, emboldened by the weather, have begun reblooming completely out of turn. It’s a confused state of affairs alright.

Meanwhile, weirdly, there was no sign of the shipment of bulbs that usually arrives by early October and I was getting a wee bit concerned. What a relief when it was finally delivered late Saturday evening. But now, we were looking ahead at a whole week of daytime temperatures in the 70s going down to late 50s at night. Way too warm! For bulb planting, the soil temperature needs to be below 55 degrees. I’m hoping to plant over the first weekend in November. All my under-gardeners (okay family) have been told to be ready. I hate to consider postponing the great planting marathon. It’s a quandary that might be a foretelling of future gardening practices as the climate changes.

Until a few years ago, I planted bulbs in early October. That has been slowly delayed into November. To think of doing the job closer to Thanksgiving and beyond is weird. And there is also concern about the winter itself. Many bulbs require weeks of solid cold to bloom in Spring. Will we have that? And for how long? Worrisome for sure.

Other Fall chores like emptying, cleaning and putting away pots, winter-pruning hedges and shrubs, cutting back certain plants, draining and shutting off outdoor taps were also accomplished. Felt mighty odd to be doing the work in summer like weather. It’s been very dry here so the lack of rain is an additional bummer. What on earth is going on?!

But one thing I’m certain of – we gardeners are resilient and will figure out how to pivot and learn what needs to be changed, adjusted and adapted. Till then, we shall commiserate, complain and carry on gardening.

Scenes from the garden today – senescence, renaissance in the nonce!

(c) 2024 Shobha Vanchiswar

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Fruits Of Our Labor

Fall is so much busier than spring. Following winter, all the work is focused on getting the garden going. In autumn however, in addition to the myriad chores of putting the garden to bed, there is the urgency of reaping all the obvious and not so obvious benefits that come along.

In the last two weeks, the perennials to replace the ones that had been lost in the big drainage project have been planted. Some new ones were added as well – how could I not exploit the opportunity! Also, a friend’s generous gift of some native plants have found their home in the meadow. That about is all the planting that’s happening this season. Apart from the great big bulb planting in early November of course.

I’m behind in getting the greenhouse cleaned and readied to receive the winter guests. The guests meanwhile need to be spruced up with some cutting and trimming and then given a vigorous shower to rid them of dirt, debris and any pesky stowaways. It’s a process that requires some care and time. With temperatures dropping this week, I’m feeling the pressure to get it all done quickly. The greenhouse was attended to over the weekend and yesterday I began on the plants that will go into it. Clipping and shaping each one can be meditative so I quite enjoy the task. Not so much removing all the weeds that love to grow at the base of the plants. It always surprises me how easily weeds show up in pots. Power washing to clean both pots and plants can be fun on a mild day but I’m not guaranteed that this week. Fingers crossed that by weeks end this project will be completed.

In the midst of all the work, I’ve also been busy getting the larder stocked, creating some holiday decorations and setting aside inspiration for future watercolor paintings. As I removed the annual under-plantings from pots, I set aside the nasturtium plants – the leaves of which were collected and along with the last of the parsley turned into a delicious pesto. A couple of jars now dwell in the freezer – taste of summer for cozy winter meals.

Leaves from the trimmings of the rose-geraniums will be used for a most tasty drink – rose-geranium cordial with a splash of champagne or bubbly water makes for a fun and festive drink.

Bay leaves from the freshly coiffed bay standards have been set aside. I pretty much give them all away to friends who enjoy flavoring their culinary creations with them. I simply pluck them fresh as needed. This year, I’m saving a few sprigs to paint gold and insert them into the magnolia wreath.

Note: Earlier in summer, I’d trimmed the magnolia espalier, The surfeit of the beautiful leaves were preserved with glycerin and then used to make a rather lovely wreath. The gilded bay leaves will be inserted into this wreath and should make a nice counterpoint to the magnolia.

Finally, I cut the okra plants with the dried pods still on them. The pods look striking and will be models for my ongoing watercolor seedpod series. Once I’ve finished painting, they too might go on that magnolia wreath.

Separately, hydrangeas harvested last week are drying nicely and will adorn the mantel.

Such a satisfying thrill to be decorating for the holidays with gifts from my garden.

And now, back to the work of putting the garden to bed. Much needs to be done before the large shipment of bulbs arrive in time for planting. See how much busier it is in the Fall garden?

(c) 2024 Shobha Vanchiswar

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Fall Fever

The leaves are finally turning color and some are making slow pirouettes down where they lay scattered like tired confetti. Even as my mind turns to pre-winter chores on hand, my focus is clearly on post-winter dreams.

The recent drainage project that literally dug up my front perennial beds gave me the opportunity to add certain plants I’d long wanted. A few weeks ago, the beds were fully replanted with several of the old members and a whole host of new ones. In my mind’s eye, I can see them thriving and performing exactly as expected. Time will tell.

Soon, the bulb shipment will arrive and with all hands on deck, the rather large order will be planted. All the while, visions of a splendid spring will be dancing in my head.

As it gets cooler, I can feel the pressure to move the tender perennials into the the greenhouse. But before that, the greenhouse itself must be cleaned and prepared for its winter residents. So much to do!

The poem below says it all. I wrote it in 2008.

Autumn List

Make haste

No time to waste

Lawn to reseed

Composter to feed

Plants to behead

To put garden to bed

Bulbs to place

In hollowed space

Rake the leaves

Haul wood to cleave

Pick remaining produce

Debris to reduce

Soil to turn

Calories will burn

Mulch to protect

Weeds to reject


Now, pause awhile

Breathe and smile

Cast your gaze

On trees ablaze

Enjoy autumn’s beauty

Amidst garden duty

Have some fun

As chores get done.

  • Shobha Vanchiswar

Note: Seasonal images from my neighborhood as well as from Ithaca, NY where I was over the weekend –

(c) 2024 Shobha Vanchiswar

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October Rising

October Rising

Fall is well and truly here. Daylight arrives late as one who decided to sleep in a tad longer. The garden still abundant in blooms appears to have acquired distinctly autumnal colors. I step out to commune with the plants and the honed air slices through my linen shirt sending me hurrying inside to grab a shawl. Having only recently returned from vacation, there hasn’t been time to swap out the seasonal closet. But now, I’m taking my cues from the turning leaves and scheduling the retiring of lighter clothes and reemploying warmer wear. My heart however, has yet to let go of summer.

The myriad chores of the season await but first, I want to savor the days remaining when one can still linger outside basking in sparkling sunlight and boisterous beauty. Because Fall is, if nothing, lusty and lovely.

Things To Do In October

1. Yes, weeding continues!

2. Time to plant perennials and trees. Give a good dose of compost to each. Water regularly. Perennials already in place can be divided and re-planted as well.

3. Cut back all spent plants except what is needed for seasonal interest and what you’re saving for the birds.

4. Collect seeds. Store in labeled envelopes in a cool, dry space.

5. Last call to root cuttings of geraniums, coleus, rosemary etc.,

6. Get all pots of tender perennials into clean greenhouse or other winter shelters. Wash plants and pots thoroughly first – minimizes pest infestation.

7. Plant bulbs as weather gets consistently cooler. Bulbs can be planted until the soil freezes solid.

8. Rake leaves. Add to compost pile or deposit in woods. I leave a good part as is to protect the earth, provide winter refuge to critters and eventually nourish the soil when the leaves will naturally break down.

9. Give the compost heap a good stir.

10 Clean out vegetable garden except for cool weather plants that are still producing. Apply several inches of compost on cleared beds. Plant green manure to enrich the soil – optional.

11. Clean and put away (or cover) outdoor furniture.

12. Check what needs repairing, repainting, replacing and get to it!

15 Clean all equipment and tools. Store neatly.

16. As temperatures plummet, protect tender shrubs and immovable  frost sensitive pots and statuary. I cover the former with burlap and for the latter, I first cover with sturdy plastic and then use burlap so it looks halfway decent.

17. Remove suckers from ornamental and fruit trees. Prune roses and wisteria. Remove dead and decaying limbs from all plants.

18. Fill up bird feeders. Keep them filled through the winter. Put up nest boxes for the spring.

19. Get into the autumnal spirit – fill window boxes and urns with seasonal plants and produce.

13. Lift tender bulbs, corms and tubers such as dahlias and canna. Store in dry, frost-free place. As I grow mine in pots, I merely cut the plants down and move the pots into the basement where they will spend the winter in dormancy.

14. Drain and close all outdoor water faucets. Empty rain barrel and hoses. Store.

My terrace and meadow right now –

(c) 2024 Shobha Vanchiswar

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Back To Work?!

Back To Work!

Okay, hopefully a good Labor Day weekend was enjoyed by all. And now, one must get back to tending September’s list of garden chores. Happily, this month helps one ease into the work. Come October, we’ll be mighty busy!

September Chores

1. Continue weeding.

2. Deadhead. Cut back anything that looks ragged or done for.

3. Mow the lawn less frequently.

4. Water judiciously.

5. Get leaf rakes, leaf bags and keep ready. Fall cometh!

6. Similarly, keep bulb planting stuff like dibbler, bulb food, trowel, spade, etc., handy.

7. Continue harvesting vegetables. Remove plants that have given their all and toss on the compost heap.

8. Stir compost thoroughly.

9. Plant in cool weather vegetables.

10. Check if fall blooming plants such as asters and chrysanthemums need staking.

11. Inspect garden for pests or disease. Take prompt action if detected.

12. As days get shorter, make it a point to enjoy the garden as much as possible.

Note: I’m traveling for a fair part of this month so I will not be posting any articles for the rest of September. See you in October!

Some seasonal images from my recent wanderings in my beautiful State of New York –

(c) 2024 Shobha Vanchiswar

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