This is a busy time in the garden for sure. All the mild weather has jump-started the myriad chores. With my garden’s Open Day less than a month away, it’s all hands on deck and no PTO! Though I do sneak in time to admire, inhale and revel in the spring flowers abounding everywhere.

With so much planting, potting, pruning and primping going on, I didn’t want April to get away without penning a poem. It is after all, National Poetry Month.

A Garden Is Waiting

A garden is waiting

In a simple seed

A blade of grass

The scent of a flower

The whistle of a reed

Quietly, patiently

A garden is waiting

-Shobha Vanchiswar

Wishing everyone days of satisfying garden work and may each day be a celebration.

(c) 2023 Shobha Vanchiswar

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