February Fever

Fever’? you ask? It’s been one fiercely frigid month after all. Snow storms every few days, ice, some hail, rain leading to more ice, powerful winds. It has been a very busy couple of weeks with more of the same expected this week. It’s become rather tiresome as most outdoor activity has been unpleasant if not impossible. We need options to warm up our spirits. Fear not. I have a few suggestions.

Last Friday, I went to the member’s preview of the Orchid Show at the New York Botanical Gardens. This might well be my favorite one thus far. While it’s always fun to see a mad array of colorful flowers in the middle of winter, I’ve never found myself as motivated and inspired as I was by this one. Taking its cue from the designs of Mexican modernist architect Luis Barragán, the show transports you to Mexico where you feel the warmth, the vibrant colors and rhythmic music lift your mood. The orchids are arranged and grouped brilliantly – coordinated and curated colors that sing in harmony. Juxtaposed with walls in vivid hues, sculptural cacti and traditional pots, it is tasteful and artful. Indeed cacti and orchids require different conditions to thrive but there are design lessons to be learned nevertheless. I love this show and plan to visit it again soon. Do go see for yourself. At the very least, it’ll serve as a welcoming, warm respite.

The Garden Conservancy’s Open Days directory arrived over the weekend. Thumbing through it is jolly exciting – so many interesting and beautiful gardens to visit. I know I won’t have the time to visit them all but it’s gloriously fun to consider the possibility. The final list will be shorter of course. Now is the time to make plans, schedule them into the calendar and make reservations in a timely manner. It’s the best way to ensure I get to see new gardens and revisit old favorites all of which will no doubt keep me enthused all through the gardening season. February affords one the time to peruse and plan at leisure. Take full advantage. Note: My garden has it’s Open Day on May 10. Come on over!

Finally, starting this coming Sunday, February 23, there’s a new show on NBC. The Grosse Point Garden Society is described as an “American drama television series set in a wealthy suburb where everything appears to be perfect on the surface. Four members of the local garden club get entangled in a scandalous murder… with mysteries, drama and deceit growing like weeds …!”. I learned of it quite by chance – it caught my attention right away! Since I adore both gardening and murder mysteries, I’m eager to check it out. If anything, it’ll be fun to see how hoticulturally accurate or inaccurate it will be!

And in less than 2 weeks, March would’ve arrived.

(c) 2025 Shobha Vanchiswar

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