Summers End

Summer ends this weekend. Unofficially. With the end of school vacations and the beginning of the new academic year, at least the carefree vibes of the season draw to a close. Hopefully, we will carry the spirit of the season well beyond and continue living with a playful attitude. These last few days through the Labor Day weekend, must be enjoyed thoroughly in the garden. Apart from the 90+ degree temperature today, the weather is going to be quite pleasant all the way through next week. Sit back in the garden and savor it thoroughly. You have my full permission to do nothing but play. September starts next week and there’ll be plenty to do then!

Earlier this week, I had the privilege to visit a most wonderful garden of dahlias. Sculptor and potter Jacques Schickel grows over a 100 varieties of dahlias ( as well as a decent assembly of zinnias) and invites the public to an ‘open house’ of both flowers and his studio. He calls it an “extravaganza” which it certainly is. My daughter had gone to this event and knew I would absolutely love seeing the flowers. So she got Jacques permission to bring me over when I was to visit the following Sunday.

That was this past Sunday. Oh my! What an amazing sight awaited! A joyous profusion of dahlias jockeying for attention. The lesser collection of zinnias was not too shabby either! Everything was healthy and vibrant. Just gorgeous. My eyes feasted and heart overflowed with delight. What a treat.

Jacques himself couldn’t be present, but his generosity in sharing his garden is deeply, deeply appreciated. I look forward to meeting him, seeing his creations of clay and answering my questions about his garden.

You can follow him on Instagram @jacques_schickel_pottery

I offer you a myriad photos of Jacques dahlias. If you have dahlias, it’ll probably make you want to acquire more. And if you don’t already grow dahlias, you might well be inspired to start.

A special thank you to my daughter for arranging this wonderful experience. She knows her mother well.

(c) 2024 Shobha Vanchiswar

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