Draining Disruptions

Just when the summer garden is hitting its peak and one is tempted to sit back a bit for extended hours of basking in the glow of job well done, comes along a project that can no longer be ignored or put off. In a couple of weeks the two perennials beds in the front garden and most of the length of the side path are going to be dug up to get some drainage problems resolved.

For years now, every time we experienced a really ferocious bout of rain, where the rate of falling water outpaced the rate of drainage, water seeped into the basement through those aforementioned foundation walls. A French drain in the unfinished basement could not cope with the water at such times so there’d be pools of water in various parts of the basement floor. Things would dry eventually and because the floor was built at a slight slope and opens out to the terrace, there is never a possibility of flooding. However, as we all know, letting damp linger around is not a good thing. For a good while I put off getting the situation remedied. Creating chaos in the garden made me procrastinate. However, with climate change, thunderstorms are happening more fiercely and frequently. The drainage problem simply had to be solved.

Out will come a large portion of perennials to make room for digging trenches 6 feet deep. Corrugated irrigation pipes placed at the bottom of the trenches after waterproofing the foundation walls that meets the garden, will allow rain water to be diverted to a dry well in the herb garden. A part of the herb garden will be temporarily dismantled to create that dry well. After all that work has been accomplished, the trenches will be filled back in and herb garden reestablished. Path and front beds replanted and order restored.

I chose August for this project because that meant the project would be completed well before bulb planting season. As much as I’m loathe to have my garden dug up, I’m using this opportunity to seriously and ruthlessly review the plantings. For some time now I’ve been thinking about redoing the front beds but its daunting to deal with established areas. Now however, with plants dug up anyway, one might as well execute the ideas and plant the plants that were just items on a wish list till now.

My initial resistance to starting this project is making way for creativity and the joy of new experiments with design and plants. I’d like to keep it simple but exciting. Not everything will be new. Some beloved longtime residents such as Baptisia, Joe Pye, phlox paniculata and such will be grandfathered in. I must find my wish-list of plants-to-try and make my selections. Source those plants preferably at my local nursery. No horticultural divas allowed of course. The human ones are bad enough.

My immediate challenge will be keeping the plants set aside for replanting safe and healthy till the whole project is completed. Fingers crossed no heat wave will occur. Plants evicted from the beds will be given new residences elsewhere in the garden. Some will be re homed in a friend’s new garden. No one will be cast away. The tenets of humanism will prevail. Always.

Note: In keeping with the theme of creating some disorder, here are some images of (mostly) the front beds in random order –

(c) 2024 Shobha Vanchiswar

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The feeling of anticipation is powerful. Be it for an exam, job interview, party, vacation, message or anything even seemingly important, it is one of a mix of excitement, uncertainty, hope and yearning. We want so badly for the outcome to be as best as it can be that one can hardly stand it.

(Note: I’m not talking about matters like waiting for medical test results or other difficult situations. Those are entirely different as they come with a sense of dread.)

I, and I suspect all gardeners, know the giddy anticipation of the fruits of our labor. Pun intended!

From sprouting seeds, elements of design, color combinations, textural pairings and finally the flowering and/or fruiting of the plants, gardening is fraught with the thrill of waiting. The realization of plans, vision and dreams is wonderful in itself but, anticipating it is a whole other joy. Because, in that period of expectancy everything is possible. Defying all odds, things are poised to come true. And that is precisely why it feels so wonderful. Life is full of uncertainties but for this period of awaiting, one can hope for nothing short of perfect. Pests, weather, mistakes, miscalculations, mix-ups be damned. Right?!

This past week, while we’ve been sweltering in the high heat and humidity, the delicious sense of anticipation has held me in good spirits. The promise of good things to come is reassuring at a time when it feels impossible to gather the energy to get tasks done. Apart from weeding a little bit each day and watering ( only the pots) as required, little else is accomplished. Even sitting the shade has been a challenge – it’s too muggy and armies of mosquitoes attack at all times of day and night. This week, when the heat is expected to break, I’m really hoping to get certain espaliered trees pruned and a spot of editing in the meadow where the jewelweed is getting too rambunctious.

In the interim, I’m indulging in the positive signs in the garden and for that, I’m immensely grateful. One just needs to stay calm, stay hydrated and observe ones’ surroundings. And to have faith,

A few things I’m anticipating –

(c) 2024 Shobha Vanchiswar

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Sizzling July

Ah! The month of pure Summer. Fireworks, fireflies and freedom from routine. Heat, humidity and bad hair days too. It is a time to slow down and savor the season. Simplify the days. I think, if we do summer correctly, we can then keep that sensibility through the other seasons. An ideal recipe for living mindfully. This year, I’m going to give Summer my best shot. Really.

In order to do that, July’s garden chores are whittled down to the essential minimum.

Things To Do In July –

1. Weed, weed, weed! Do a half hour each day and stop. It’ll all add up. Remember, pouring boiling water over bricks and other stonework will kill  weeds growing in-between. Hot water from cooking pasta, boiling eggs and such can be used.

2. Deadhead often ( unless you’re going to collect seeds from certain plants). Neatness matters and keeps the garden looking cared for. Deadheading encourages several plants to put out a second round of blooms.

3. Mulch all beds once, fertilize plants in pots weekly, water as necessary ( collect rain water and use that).

4. Mow regularly but keep the mower blade high. Leave grass clippings in place to act as mulch first and then enrich the soil as it breaks down.

5. Watch out for pests and/or disease. Use organic treatments.

6. Plant out vegetable seedlings for fall harvest. Harvest summer vegetables regularly.

7. Keep birdbaths filled with fresh, clean water.

8. Order fall bulbs

9. Take time to watch dragonflies by day and fireflies by night.

Some close ups from the garden –

(c) 2024 Shobha Vanchiswar

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Serving September

September feels like a fresh start. A new year at school, a return to work after a break/vacation. One naturally looks at the garden anew. There’s still so much growing that it’s easy to think Fall is a long ways away. I think of September as a ‘tween month. It can feel like summer and autumn at the same time! I’ve learned to live like it’s summer but start thinking like its fall. Best to get ready for the upcoming season while one still has time on ones side. In that spirit, here’s my list of garden chores for September.

Things To Do This Month –

1. Continue weeding.

2. Deadhead. Cut back anything that looks ragged or done for.

3. Mow the lawn less frequently. Keep the blade at a height of at least 4 inches.

4. Water judiciously.

5. Get leaf rakes, leaf bags and keep ready. Fall cometh! Remember, leaving fallen leaves in place is an eco-friendly practice except if there is too much and the thick layer is likely to smother what’s beneath or can be a place to harbor plant pathogens. I let the leaves be in the meadow and beds but clear them from paths and my tiny lawn. All gathered leaves are composted.

6. Similarly, keep bulb planting stuff like dibbler, bulb food, trowel, spade, etc., handy.

7. Continue harvesting vegetables, fruit and flowers. Remove plants that have given their all and toss on the compost heap.

8. Stir compost thoroughly.

9. Plant in cool weather vegetables.

10. Check if fall blooming plants such as asters , dahlias and chrysanthemums need staking.

11. Inspect garden for pests or disease. Take prompt action if detected.

12. Start assessing the garden – look at the plants, the design, the hardscaping.. What worked, what did not and why. What needs repair or replacement. Make notes and schedule actionable items.

13. As days get shorter, make it a point to enjoy the garden as much as possible.

Some images from the past week –

(c) 2023 Shobha Vanchiswar

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August Doings

Between all the heatwaves and thunderstorms, it’s been hard to take care of the garden chores I’m sure. I return home in a couple of days but as the assistant gardener has kept me in the domestic loop, I realize it has been somewhat of a challenge to get things done. As in all matters, one simply does ones best. No point in fretting and fuming over things not in ones control. From a quick glance at this week’s weather forecast, it looks favorable so, lets get a start on the August chores shall we?

What To Do In August –

1. Harvest the vegetable patch regularly. If you’re overwhelmed with the bounty, offer them to food kitchens, friends and neighbors. Also, consider canning vegetables and fruit. They are mighty handy to have on those days in winter when you crave summer fare. Not to mention the crazy times when cooking is simply not possible.

2. Keep weeding. Even though it is hot, hot, hot, weeds continue to thrive. Early hours of the morning are most enjoyable – cooler and fewer biting bugs.

3. Water as required.

4. Mow as usual. Again, do the right thing and keep blades at 3 1/2 to 4 inches high.

5. Continue to deadhead and trim back. This keeps the garden tidy. Seeds that you wish to harvest can be left on the plants till they are ripe and ready.

6. Take cuttings of plants for rooting. Doing it now will provide enough time for growth before planting in the fall or bringing indoors in winter.

7. If you’re going away, arrange to have someone water the garden and keep an eye on things.

8. Prune wisteria and anything that is overgrown.

9. Watch for pests and/or disease. Use organic treatments.

10. Keep birdbaths filled with fresh water.

11. Spend as much time as possible in the garden – autumn approaches! Eat, read, snooze, throw parties, paint, write, meditate, pay bills, enjoy the garden.

Note: More images sent to me on what’s happening in my garden

(c) 2023 Shobha Vanchiswar

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Gardening Remotely

By the time I get back home a week from now, I’d have been away 6 weeks and have never been gone from home and garden that long. Leaving the latter in the height of growing season was difficult. But, I was determined to not fret and worry and ruin my vacation in France and visit with my father in India. Taking time to rest and refresh and/or reconnect with family are very necessary to ones well-being after all.

I did of course occasionally wonder how the garden was faring but I’d stop from thinking further. Between the watering system set up to kick in if the soil in pots got too dry, the nephew coming around regularly to check on everything and take action as needed and, Ephraim, the person hired to do a weekly mowing to the handkerchief sized lawn, the garden was going to be okay. The weeds would have free reign but, they’d be dealt with eventually. Que sera sera.

However, while I went on to India, my husband returned home and this meant, I’d have my actual garden helper right where I wanted him to be. In the garden. When the man was not doing the work he is employed to do, he could tend to the garden right? Hallelujah.

Since his return a week ago, he’s reported on –

How the garden is looking – lush, green and wild. Since there was a fair amount of rain, all the plants were well hydrated. Many had quite a growth spurt.

What tasks were addressed – some cutting back, some staking, some digging up and tossing. Harvesting of leafy greens and micro-greens for culinary delights and dahlias for adorning the home, cleaning and tidying up edges, washing and refilling hummingbird feeders, reinstalling the window boxes that had been taken down to join the other pots so they could all benefit from the the watering system set up, clean the filtration system that recirculates the water for the vertical garden, take many photographs to send back to the absconding head gardener.

I’m so delighted with the photographs because I’d started missing the garden a lot. (Cooped up inside my father’s apartment because of the torrents of monsoon rains can make anyone long for the outdoors.) Asking how different plants were doing and receiving visual responses is really nice. The lotus project started this spring was top on my mind – the first couple of buds have emerged! The dahlias are beginning their show. The meadow is serving lots of insects with the cimicifuga, Joe Pye and milkweed in bloom. Asters in the front garden are poised to bloom soon. Squirrels are attacking the unripe apples as usual.

I’m also happy to get reports on the not so visible goings on. The birdhouses are still occupied and the chatter from them is non-stop. The garden is full of fragrances – in the front, the phlox are welcoming visitors and passersby with their clove -like perfume. On the side porch, it smells heady and romantic with the jasmines and gardenia blooming with abandon. And in the back terrace, the brugamansia are trumpeting loudly as their exotic fragrance lures humans and night pollinators alike. This is exactly how I want it to be.

Of course, I know much weeding awaits but for now, I’m kinda getting to appreciate this remote gardening thing.

All images taken by my assistant gardener –

(c) Shobha Vanchiswar 2023

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Jiving With July

Ah July! It’s truly summer and the living is easy. Or, we wish it to be. Fourth of July festivities to kick off the month puts everyone in the mood to enjoy the season doesn’t it? Picnics, pool parties, concerts in the park, vacation travels, hosting house guests, entertaining friends in the garden, hanging out in hammocks, beach days, ice cream socials … the list of summer pleasures just goes on. I want to squeeze the season hard so as not to miss a single drop of all its enchantment.

But, in the midst of all the frolicking, garden chores await. In my case, as I’m still away, the tasks are piling up but I’m not going to dwell on them and get into a panic as to the state of my garden when I return. What will be, will be. For now, I’m making the most of my vacation. A relaxed and rested me will tackle the neglected garden in due course. Driven by guilt is one way to get things done but it never brings out the best in me. By the time I get home, I will be eager and ready to lavish the garden with much TLC. I do believe the garden will understand and appreciate that.

Here’s the July To-Do list –

1. Weed, weed, weed! Remember, pouring boiling water over bricks and other stonework will kill stubborn weeds growing in-between.

2. Deadhead often. Neatness matters.

3. Mulch, fertilize, water.

4. Mow regularly but keep the mower blade high.

5. Watch out for pests and/or disease. Use organic control.

6. Plant out vegetable seedlings for fall harvest.

7. Keep birdbaths filled with fresh, clean water.

8. Order fall bulbs

9. Take time to watch dragonflies by day and fireflies by night.

Happy Fourth!

Here are some things in Provence, France that are inspiring me –

(c) 2023 Shobha Vanchiswar

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Saying Grace

Thanksgiving week has arrived and all the chatter is about where one will celebrates, what will be served and how much will be consumed. At some point, what we’re thankful for might be shared. Despite this being such a favorite holiday, the reason for it gets somewhat lost. I’ve learned that any lengthy discussion on gratitude is viewed as too sappy. I get it. What one person is grateful for is not that interesting to everyone else. But, surely, is it too much to ask of ourselves to give due consideration for our blessings? This is not about religion, commerce or God forbid, politics. It’s simply about life. In a world gone mad, pausing to appreciate what we have is an act of pure grace. That gives perspective to where we are and what we’re living through. This is a shared, sacred experience.

I’ve got my own private ritual at Thanksgiving. I take a walk during which I think about the year (almost) gone by. In doing so, the difficult or particularly challenging events come up right away. These are the things that seem to overshadow everything else and are not so pleasant to relive. However, I’ve noticed that as soon as I confront those memories, the people or circumstances that help(ed) in solving or coping with each challenge also show up. That’s not to say that things were not bad or to minimize the pain, Rather, it is acknowledging the truth, accepting the reality but also seeing the good that was exposed in helping us deal with the struggle. The helpers, the intangible shifts for the better, the solutions that came in unexpected guises are the blessings for which I’m grateful. The growth as a result of each such experience, the hindsight that instructs on the hows or whys, the strength and understanding that comes from it all cannot and should not be undervalued.

There are of course the clearly joyous moments and happenings that makes me feel very grateful. People and possessions, music and miracles, art and amity, the many celebrations and successes – the list is long because there are always things that are good. And cannot, must not be taken for grated.

In the midst of all the noise and chaos, there is one thing that has unfailingly kept me anchored and given me guidance, purpose, sanctuary, perspective and solace. My garden. The science of the positive impact of time spent in the great outdoors is in – it confirms what humans have always known – that Nature is the best counselor there is. And it is free for all and sundry. We just need to pay attention.

So, in essence, among all the many blessings I’ve been given, my own piece of Nature is a mainstay. My wellness of mind, body and spirit depends on it. I’m constantly learning and growing as a person because of it. The garden embodies all that is true and sacred. A space of Grace.

I wish each and everyone a very blessed Thanksgiving. I hope that you too will find your place of peace in a garden, park, lakeside or seaside, mountain top or woods somewhere.

Garden images spanning the year thus far –

January snow

January beauty indoors

February snow

February growth

March indoors


April flowers

Forsythia brought inside

May in the meadow

May flowers

June roses


July at the feeder

July promise

August exuberance

August aflutter

September exotica

October dahlia

October Diwali celebration

November in gold

November indoors

(c) 2022 Shobha Vanchiswar

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Simply Summer

A lot rides on summer. A season so full of plans and expectations that it feels as plump and juicy as the fruit it bears. It’s time to switch to a lighter schedule so we can make the best of the long light filled hours. Reading lists, picnics, outdoor concerts, beach fun, pool time, ice cream tastings, hammock naps, freshly picked produce, crayon box colored flowers – we demand so much of summer. In our bid for simple, easy living, we expect to do a lot!

And then, there’s summer vacation. Where to go? For how long? With whom? To do what – chill out, sight see, find adventure, reunite with friends/family? It’s as exciting as it is stressful to plan that ideal getaway.

I’ve learned to pare down my own expectations and get very organized ahead. Mostly, I free up my schedule and create more space in my days for spontaneous activities. The to-do list is shortened to the bare minimum. Even in the garden. Weeding, watering, deadheading and lots of lounging to count butterflies and watch birds. Pure heaven. It’s the much awaited period when pleasure is prioritized over purpose. I believe I’ve earned it.

However, it’s what needs doing before going away on vacation that is invariably the challenge. How to best ensure the well-being of the garden when I’m away.

An intensive weeding is done right before. As is the mowing and tidying. I try to leave the garden looking as groomed as possible so on my return, it doesn’t look overly disheveled. Nothing like an unkempt garden to wash off the vacation glow.

Ensuring that the plants are well hydrated is a whole other matter. As I’ve mentioned before, plants in the ground are expected to hold their own – unless it’s been unduly hot, they are not watered routinely. It’s only the plants in pots that get regular quenching. And I have many pots.

In the past, I typically arranged for someone to come periodically to water the pots in various parts of the garden. It was a bit of a hit or miss as it depended wholly on the diligence of the person doing the watering.

This year, we’ve corralled all the pots in one place and set up an automatic system that turns on at a specific time of day for a specific length of time. There’s a moisture sensor attached so it does not turn on the water if it is raining or has done so recently. I just returned from being away for two weeks and the potted plants look lush and fine.

My nephew stopped by regularly to ensure everything was generally okay but most importantly, he cleaned and refilled the hummingbird feeders. I had made a quantity of the sugar solution and stored it in the refrigerator. A word of caution – the feeders must be refreshed more frequently during particularly hot spells because the water can start fermenting and this is unhealthy for the birds.

Overall, this new system, whilst requiring some effort to set up and move pots together, seems to be a better way to serve the plants. At the same time, it requires less of my nephew so he doesn’t feel too put upon by his garden obsessed aunt.

I’m going away again soon and it’s comforting to know that the care of the garden is in hand. So now, back to savoring the joys of the summer. Whats left of it.

Pots gathered together for watering:

The garden at present. I notice some hints of fall! –

(c) 2022 Shobha Vanchiswar

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Call Maintenance!

July is all about maintenance. No major planting or project occurs at this time. It’s time to enjoy the fruits of ones labor. And I’m here for it. There’s nothing as satisfying as strolling around, preferably with a cool drink in hand, admiring what’s in bloom and what’s going well. Finally, a bit of time to simply take in the beauty and wonder of what one has created.

Of course, it doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do. That would be wishful thinking. Weeding, watering, propping up, trimming back and general faffing is in order, But these can set a happy rhythm to the days. Leaving plenty of time to sit and soak up sunshine and revel in the delightful horticultural offerings. Hours spent watching the numerous insects and birds never get old. Quite the contrary – like sunrises and sunsets, rainbows, full moons and meteor showers, we never tire of what’s in bloom, butterflies flitting and floating gracefully, hummingbirds darting from feeder to flowers, bees laden with pollen whirring home, dragonflies pausing at the water filled trough, their iridescent wings refracting sunlight into flat rainbows …. the list goes on. Before one knows it, afternoon has become nightfall and the fireflies are twinkling in time with the stars.

All too often, I’ve allowed myself to be caught up in the spirit of the season and neglected to do enough in the maintenance department. It’s so easy to let that happen. I think I’m doing enough only to discover that the garden is no longer just expressing summer exuberance. Rather, it is shockingly messy and overgrown. Not this year. My resolution made early in the spring has held up well thus far and I’m seeing the impact due diligence makes.

Regular weeding and watering as required have always been kept up but, timely deadheading, staking and cutting back overgrowth makes all the difference to the health and appearance of the garden. This past weekend, blessed with good weather, that’s exactly what was accomplished. Snipping off spent flowers, cutting overgrowth of certain highly rambunctious plants, staking and supporting those in need, re-potting plants started from cuttings, trimming topiaries, chopping some plants like asters by 1/3 to prevent legginess and encourage fuller growth, feeding all the roses and every plant in a pot with organic fertilizer – it all got done. And the garden breathed a big sigh of relief. Everything looks so much better.

My husband and I split the numerous tasks but we made sure we took breaks for coffee, lunch and many glasses of water on the terrace, at which time we watched the hummingbirds, counted butterflies and shared observations made when we were tending different parts of the garden. A happy balance of work and pleasure. Pre-dinner drinks and dinner felt very well deserved as we sat back and appreciated this piece of earth of which we are blessed to have custody.

My final task before calling it a day was to water all the plants in pots – something that is done almost daily. I had to resort to the tap as the rain barrel was very low in water indicating how dry its been. I then noticed some plants in the beds looking mighty thirsty and watered them too. Fingers crossed it’ll rain later today, slake the earth and fill up the barrel.

In doing the maintenance chores regularly, it’s easier to notice what’s new. Which flowers are blooming, is there a scarcity or abundance of pollinators, where the nests are, what pests have made an ugly appearance and addressing the problems right away before it gets too late. The tasks remind me that I am a caretaker. And care I shall take.

Scenes from the garden –

Hummingbird at the feeder

Blue Jay taking a a break

Before and after a light trim

(c) 2022 Shobha Vanchiswar

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