Ah! The month of pure Summer. Fireworks, fireflies and freedom from routine. Heat, humidity and bad hair days too. It is a time to slow down and savor the season. Simplify the days. I think, if we do summer correctly, we can then keep that sensibility through the other seasons. An ideal recipe for living mindfully. This year, I’m going to give Summer my best shot. Really.
In order to do that, July’s garden chores are whittled down to the essential minimum.
Things To Do In July –
1. Weed, weed, weed! Do a half hour each day and stop. It’ll all add up. Remember, pouring boiling water over bricks and other stonework will kill weeds growing in-between. Hot water from cooking pasta, boiling eggs and such can be used.
2. Deadhead often ( unless you’re going to collect seeds from certain plants). Neatness matters and keeps the garden looking cared for. Deadheading encourages several plants to put out a second round of blooms.
3. Mulch all beds once, fertilize plants in pots weekly, water as necessary ( collect rain water and use that).
4. Mow regularly but keep the mower blade high. Leave grass clippings in place to act as mulch first and then enrich the soil as it breaks down.
5. Watch out for pests and/or disease. Use organic treatments.
6. Plant out vegetable seedlings for fall harvest. Harvest summer vegetables regularly.
7. Keep birdbaths filled with fresh, clean water.
8. Order fall bulbs
9. Take time to watch dragonflies by day and fireflies by night.
Some close ups from the garden –

(c) 2024 Shobha Vanchiswar
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