It’s a quiet time in my garden – under a thick blanket of snow everyone is asleep. I’m almost envious because my own mind is filled with all sorts of things, many of which are keeping me restless if not awake at night. Amongst my garden dreams of how I want this upcoming growing season to unfold, what new coveted plants to introduce to the current residents when they awaken, schedule the myriad chores, get tools, supplies and seeds ready, other projects to plan and prepare for like art shows and the annual Lyndhurst Flower Show in April (I’m ‘doing’ the Servants Dining Room this year!), a big house project (still in the envisioning stage), all of which are exciting, it is the news both national and international that has me worried, angry, frustrated and saddened. It is extremely overwhelming to say the least. I suspect I’m not alone in feeling this way.
I’ll admit that some days have been rough, others more normal and a few where I’ve been blissfully transported to a world of joy and laughter. Clearly, I need more of the last kind. On examining the different sort of days and how I specifically felt, I came to some obvious facts. The rough days were when I read or watched too much news. Subconsciously all the information found its way to my muscles and tensed them, it saturated my thoughts so I was unable to focus on what I wanted to do or create. Without that creative work, I became irritable, agitated and absolutely no fun to be around with. At the end of such a day I was left quite annoyed with myself and also exhausted. And sleep was elusive.
The normal days were the ones where I followed my to-do list for the day. Purposefully attending to each item – working out, reading, creating by way of painting, designing, writing or developing a project, getting in a walk to catch some sun and enjoy nature, catching up with the news at days end, some kind of movie or show and keeping regular sleep hours.
The best days were those where I completely tuned off the news and instead, I connected with people. Creative as well as mundane but necessary work still got done. Workouts and walks happened. Reading was given due time. But, instead of scrolling on Instagram or checking my news feed, I chatted with friends who lived far away and caught up with what they’d been up to and shared my own doings. Unfailingly, such conversations left me uplifted and motivated to get on with my own work on hand, Often, I scheduled a walk with a friend and we discussed what we were reading, planned on reading, shows we’d watched, goings on in our town, our families and our work, brainstormed ideas if either one of us needed it – stuff only friends can help with. Or, I met up with a group to try out a new restaurant for dinner or see a movie at an actual theater and then discuss it over drinks.
One of my most favorite things is game night – playing Charades, board games or anything else that involves getting silly and/or friendly competition invariably generates lots of laughter and camaraderie. It’s often cross-generational. For the full duration of such an evening, all the gravitas of the world is forgotten. The spirits are buoyed so much that the good effects last well beyond that single night.
Now, I might wear several hats but I am ultimately a gardener at heart. So in winter when my garden is in repose, I still crave to be amidst plants. A bit of time spent in the greenhouse is lovely but space is at a premium in there – one cannot hang out beyond an hour. The temperature that feels cozy when one steps in from outside quickly reminds me that the it is set at a number that keeps the plants alive but not conducive for humans lolling about.
I fix this need by indulging in some floral therapy. I buy myself orchids, fresh flowers and pots of hyacinths and other bulbs. Often the bulbs are ones I’ve had cooling for many weeks and are ready for forcing. But, I’m also a sucker for those temptations at the grocery store – right about now there are pots and pots of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and such waiting for me to show up. I cannot express how happy it makes me to have them at various locations in my home. The hyacinths send their perfume out simply to seduce me – I will give them company and close attention till I suddenly become aware of what I should be doing instead. Like finishing this article or a garden design for a client, making progress on a painting or getting dinner going. What a wonderful distraction!
Between engaging with community and plants, the most enjoyable days are to be had. Less Facebook (maybe none) and more face-to-face time. Less gossip, more games. By no means should we ignore the news but, lets partake of it judiciously. Then, do something about it – communicate thoughts and requests to our senators and representatives in Congress, sign-up to volunteer/support/donate as needed. Lets use our voices, our skills, our positions to make a difference to effect the change we’d like. Lend a hand to the vulnerable and be a force in our respective communities. This is empowering to ourselves as well as each other. Sitting around whining and complaining will achieve nothing. Instead, in the words of the late, great John Lewis, “lets make good trouble”. Get involved. Be useful.
So, take frequent deep breaths and be fully engaged. We are all community and stronger together. And be sure to sniff a flower or two.

(c) 2025 Shobha Vanchiswar
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