September feels like a fresh start. A new year at school, a return to work after a break/vacation. One naturally looks at the garden anew. There’s still so much growing that it’s easy to think Fall is a long ways away. I think of September as a ‘tween month. It can feel like summer and autumn at the same time! I’ve learned to live like it’s summer but start thinking like its fall. Best to get ready for the upcoming season while one still has time on ones side. In that spirit, here’s my list of garden chores for September.
Things To Do This Month –
1. Continue weeding.
2. Deadhead. Cut back anything that looks ragged or done for.
3. Mow the lawn less frequently. Keep the blade at a height of at least 4 inches.
4. Water judiciously.
5. Get leaf rakes, leaf bags and keep ready. Fall cometh! Remember, leaving fallen leaves in place is an eco-friendly practice except if there is too much and the thick layer is likely to smother what’s beneath or can be a place to harbor plant pathogens. I let the leaves be in the meadow and beds but clear them from paths and my tiny lawn. All gathered leaves are composted.
6. Similarly, keep bulb planting stuff like dibbler, bulb food, trowel, spade, etc., handy.
7. Continue harvesting vegetables, fruit and flowers. Remove plants that have given their all and toss on the compost heap.
8. Stir compost thoroughly.
9. Plant in cool weather vegetables.
10. Check if fall blooming plants such as asters , dahlias and chrysanthemums need staking.
11. Inspect garden for pests or disease. Take prompt action if detected.
12. Start assessing the garden – look at the plants, the design, the hardscaping.. What worked, what did not and why. What needs repair or replacement. Make notes and schedule actionable items.
13. As days get shorter, make it a point to enjoy the garden as much as possible.
Some images from the past week –

(c) 2023 Shobha Vanchiswar
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