Great Disturbances

It’s a chaotic time across the globe. Too much happening to ignore. While I escape into the garden, a book, a movie or the brushstrokes on paper, I cannot avoid being affected by what’s going on near or far. The climate, political chaos, living conditions, religious and racial disputes, wars… so much discord. No living being is untouched. As humans, we have to care, feel and respond. In ways big or small, we are each beholden to do something. Anything to make the world better.

I know I’m not alone in how overwhelming it feels. But we cannot, must not despair. I’m opting to bring out the compassionate warrior in me and fight for what I know to be right – for myself, my near and dear ones, my community, country and planet.

To start, lets just resolve to be kind to each other. Smile at people known or unknown, hold open a door for someone, pick up litter, plant a native tree or shrub, help a neighbor, pay an honest compliment, apologize without reservation, listen without judgment to an opposing viewpoint. The ripples of kindness will spread wide. We are not helpless – our humanity must triumph.

In the garden this week, I’m simply going to enjoy the season such as it is. A little clean up but mostly, appreciating this garden that gives me so much joy. In the face of so much disturbance, it cannot be taken for granted.

Seasonal Disturbance

The trees seem reluctant

to disrobe this year

Even the leaves are reticent

to reveal veins coursing

colors borne of the earth

Clouds shepherded

by the wayward wind

Gather in formations

akin to adversarial regiments

Threaten violent outcomes.

Perforce some leaves

will fall prematurely

Others sentenced to

languish and wither

On limbs too tired to care.

This moment in flux.

Feeds the uneasy heart

Anxious and uncertain

of changing climates

And changed live.

—Shobha Vanchiswar

Autumn vibes in the garden – not as dramatic as in the past but still beautiful –

(c) 2023 Shobha Vanchiswar

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