Back To Work!
Okay, hopefully a good Labor Day weekend was enjoyed by all. And now, one must get back to tending September’s list of garden chores. Happily, this month helps one ease into the work. Come October, we’ll be mighty busy!
September Chores –
1. Continue weeding.
2. Deadhead. Cut back anything that looks ragged or done for.
3. Mow the lawn less frequently.
4. Water judiciously.
5. Get leaf rakes, leaf bags and keep ready. Fall cometh!
6. Similarly, keep bulb planting stuff like dibbler, bulb food, trowel, spade, etc., handy.
7. Continue harvesting vegetables. Remove plants that have given their all and toss on the compost heap.
8. Stir compost thoroughly.
9. Plant in cool weather vegetables.
10. Check if fall blooming plants such as asters and chrysanthemums need staking.
11. Inspect garden for pests or disease. Take prompt action if detected.
12. As days get shorter, make it a point to enjoy the garden as much as possible.
Note: I’m traveling for a fair part of this month so I will not be posting any articles for the rest of September. See you in October!
Some seasonal images from my recent wanderings in my beautiful State of New York –

(c) 2024 Shobha Vanchiswar
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