The leaves are finally turning color and some are making slow pirouettes down where they lay scattered like tired confetti. Even as my mind turns to pre-winter chores on hand, my focus is clearly on post-winter dreams.
The recent drainage project that literally dug up my front perennial beds gave me the opportunity to add certain plants I’d long wanted. A few weeks ago, the beds were fully replanted with several of the old members and a whole host of new ones. In my mind’s eye, I can see them thriving and performing exactly as expected. Time will tell.
Soon, the bulb shipment will arrive and with all hands on deck, the rather large order will be planted. All the while, visions of a splendid spring will be dancing in my head.
As it gets cooler, I can feel the pressure to move the tender perennials into the the greenhouse. But before that, the greenhouse itself must be cleaned and prepared for its winter residents. So much to do!
The poem below says it all. I wrote it in 2008.
Autumn List
Make haste
No time to waste
Lawn to reseed
Composter to feed
Plants to behead
To put garden to bed
Bulbs to place
In hollowed space
Rake the leaves
Haul wood to cleave
Pick remaining produce
Debris to reduce
Soil to turn
Calories will burn
Mulch to protect
Weeds to reject
Now, pause awhile
Breathe and smile
Cast your gaze
On trees ablaze
Enjoy autumn’s beauty
Amidst garden duty
Have some fun
As chores get done.
- Shobha Vanchiswar
Note: Seasonal images from my neighborhood as well as from Ithaca, NY where I was over the weekend –

(c) 2024 Shobha Vanchiswar
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