2024 feels like it’s been a long year does it not? Then why am I surprised that we’re already in December? It must be because Thanksgiving was so late that we’ve had no transition time to make our way over to the holiday frenzy. Well, never mind. We are here and we’re going to make the most of it.
The part I like best about decorating for the season is using the bounty from the garden. From late summer on, I save interesting leaves, branches, seed pods and anything else that catches my fancy from prunings and such. This year, a giant wreath of preserved magnolia leaves was created and it has been waiting to be commissioned since October. I shall insert in the preserved leaves of the oak-leaf hydrangea, okra and agapanthus seed pods, some allium heads I’d gilded last year and await everyone’s cries of approval. Otherwise, there will be coal in their stockings.
The many amaryllis I started a few weeks ago will begin to bloom in a week or so and matters should look festive for some good fa la la fun.
But first, there’s still the odd garden chore(s) to tend. So, here is the December to-do list:
1. Hurry up and finish any pending plant protecting tasks! Ditto for statuary and other articles left outdoors.
2. Complete mulching all plants.
3. Drain out all outdoor water pipes. Store hoses properly.
4. Keep bird feeders filled.
5. Keep on top of watering plants in greenhouse and house. Stay vigilant for signs of pests or disease.
6. Set aside seed and plant catalogs for making plans for next year’s growing seasons.
7. Archive garden photos taken through this year. They will come in handy when you design for next year.
8. Enjoy paperwhites and amaryllis bulbs blooming indoors.
9. Make use of this down time and relax! Don’t let the Holiday Season wear you down.
Note: Since I haven’t as yet got any decorations actually installed, here are some trees from years past from my home and elsewhere:

(c) 2024 Shobha Vanchiswar
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