The biggest task got done over this past weekend. ‘The Great Bulbathon’ where over 1000 bulbs got planted. It was all hands on deck. What a relief. I’m indebted to all my under-gardeners – they’re such troopers for always going along with my plans. Hard to believe that until a dozen years ago, I’d do the job myself. But then, after years of suffering the aftermath of aching muscles in parts that I didn’t know existed, I got wise. I recruited help. Highly recommend that!
The lack of rain was evident as the ground was really hard even with the heavy duty drill we employed to make the holes. Let’s hope the drought comes to an end with some decent showers and we experience a more normal winter. I realize we are no longer able to define what normal is with any accuracy. The fact that we are on alert for brush fires is disturbing. Just this morning there was such a fire down county – a mere 25 minutes away.
In other doings, the clean, empty pots were put away, leaves were blown onto the beds to serve as winter mulch and subsequent nutrition for the soil. The greenhouse is full, the vertical garden empty and cut back/clean up done. A few minor chores remain but there’s no rush. The outdoor heater has been re-commissioned as we anticipate some more opportunities for outdoor gatherings and al fresco meals.
Wanting to preserve some of the fall foliage, I’d taken branches and tried the glycerin treatment. Timing is key as once the leaves are past a certain point, they do not respond to the glycerin. Woody stems may or may not suck up the glycerin-water solution. I did crush the stems to help them along. Of the four types of foliage, only an oakleaf hydrangea variety did really well. I dumped the rest. The beautiful burgundy leaved branches will add a lovely touch to the seasonal décor indoors.
Amaryllis were also started last week. This year, I decided to purchase wax coated bulbs to display on an antique stand a friend had recently given me. With any luck they will start growing soon and flower in time for Thanksgiving. One bulb arrived with a head start. I intend to have a second batch started in a couple of weeks for the remaining holiday season. With no potting or other upkeep, I’m looking forward to simplifying my to-do list.
The winding down of the hectic pace in the garden feels good. I fully intend to use the time on other projects both pending as well as new ones. All too soon my gardener soul will stir and I’ll start dreaming of new possibilities in the garden followed quickly by actual plans and purchases.
Happens every year.

(c) 2024 Shobha Vanchiswar
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