In the blink of an eye it’s distinctly Spring this week. It was freezing all of last week! With temperatures expected to hit 60 degrees today, it feels as though I need to start gardening in a hurry. And I have.
Over the weekend, all the hellebores were relieved of the old leaves giving the emerging young buds room to breathe and grow. On that same vein, the pile of leaves that had been blown by winter winds over peonies and other perennials were removed and added to the compost heap. The fuchsia pink tips of the peonies spearing through the soil twinkled in the sun as if to say ‘at last’!
Perennials left standing were cut back and the Concord grapevine was given its annual pruning. The cut prunings will be used to camouflage the peony cages which will be set up in a few weeks. It is important to place cages, stakes and other supports well ahead of time – makes the work so much easier.
The espaliered fruit trees are also pruned at this time of year. The process was started this past Sun and will continue through the week. Working in sections allows thought to go into making the cuts correctly – form and function being the goal. With the sudden warming, its imperative to get such tasks completed soon before the trees and shrubs leaf out.
Clean up has also begin – every day this week I’ll be focusing on different areas of the garden to pick up winter debris. Winter is a messy season! The added benefit of working through the different parts of the garden is that it allows me to observe the state of that area to see if it needs mulching, what’s coming up and if any pest activity is evident. Apart from twigs, branches, wayward scraps of paper and other garbage blown from who knows where, I’ve thus far picked up three nests. Two look built by Robins and the third is smaller and loosely constructed. By cardinals perhaps?
In getting started with these chores right now, we are provided with the luxury of working mindfully. Accompanied by birdsong and the pleasure of having the sun warm my skin, I’m reminded once again of how much I’m dependent on Nature to keep me healthy and whole. I am a gardener and as such, I am defined by my garden but the garden in no way is defined by me. Nature marches on no matter what. My main task is to step out of her way.
Reminder! Don’t forget to register for the Lyndhurst In Bloom Show and my garden Open Day.
Some Images from my garden right now. I haven’t indicated what exactly is coming up – it’s enough that the garden is waking up!

(c) 2025 Shobha Vanchiswar
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