Climate Change Is Cruel

We have been talking about Climate Change for many years now. From the days of hearing about the hole in the ozone layer (remember that?), global warming (old term) has been on the radar pretty much consistently. Those of us who work in/with Nature are the canaries of Climate Change. We notice any anomaly that occurs in the environment.

Over the last few years, I’ve observed a diminished number of butterflies in the garden. My organically maintained garden full of butterfly magnets for plants used to see a diverse range of butterflies but now hosts fewer and fewer of them and that is cause for concern. Grave concern. I’ve spent countless hours trying to understand what’s happening. Was it something I said to put off the beloved visitors? Frivolity aside, I really have agonized over the situation. I’ve questioned every action taken and have failed to find an explanation. But, there are distinct possibilities.

Two things seem plausible. They are not really separate but rather belong to a cause and effect scenario. The first, is that a few years ago, a neighbor began using a landscaping service to spray their property with an ‘organic’ chemical to kill whatever ticks might be around. Now, any spray of any kind, from simple vinegar solutions to aforementioned organic solutions to synthetic inorganic compounds is never specific. They kill any vulnerable bug – good and bad. They are not bug specific. And while a property is being treated, the wind carries the spray well beyond the property lines. I have no doubt that over the years my garden has received its fair share of that organic application every two months during the growth seasons. Hence, adults, larvae or eggs of good insects have possibly been killed. A crying shame of a terrible loss.

Additionally, these neighbors actually do not garden at all. It’s all mostly closely cropped grass lawns. Nothing would want to or could live there! The way to keep the tick population down is to have lots of plants attractive to birds and other pollinators which would control those darn ticks. This logic completely eludes the neighbors. I also have great concern for the long term health consequences for their young children and dogs who play on the sprayed grass. It’s all very frustrating.

The other factor is of course the climate that is indeed changing. We’re all contending with milder winters, too much rain, too little rain, unprecedented heat, frequent and more fierce storms – all wildly alarming. As a result, the native flora and fauna that have co-evolved are thrown out of sync. Spring arrives ahead of schedule because of the warmer winter preceding it. Flowers bloom but they are earlier than expected and their specific pollinator are not present. They either have yet to return from their winter retreats or are still to awaken from their seasonal sleep.

This year, the milkweeds and several other plants bloomed too early – no doubt because of the very hot temperatures in June and July. Well before many butterflies show up. I have, to date, this season, noted only a couple of swallowtails and exactly one Monarch. Really sad.

Other plants are late to bloom. So the eternal optimist in me is hoping the butterflies will show up when those tardy flowers decide to perform.

And then, there is the sad fact that because of the prolonged heat wave(s), lack of timely rain followed by too much rain, all the nicely developing fruits such as apples, pears and persimmons have dropped off. Nary a fruit remains. I’m trying to understand how, if at all, to handle the shifting climate which, in truth, is a moving target. Any thoughts?

Meanwhile, the dreaded Spotted Lantern fly has reached my part of world. Ugh. Unsurprisingly, they were first seen on the Concord grapevine and were ruthlessly crushed right away. The bugs not the grapes. If the grape harvest will happen at all remains to be seen. The pests have been seen elsewhere in the garden as well. Again, vinegar or soap sprays are recommended but I’m not sure they will actually work because they must come in direct contact with the bugs. In which case, if I can actually see them, I might as well crush them and thereby prevent spraying any beneficial critters hanging around.

On inquiring how a couple of public gardens in my area are dealing with this particular pest, I’m told they vacuum them when they’re seen. Beyond that, they’ve noticed some predation but are awaiting for some sort of natural balance to occur. In my garden, we’re counting on the birds to come feast on the pests! So, we are back to saying that we must plant to support the beneficial wildlife!

Tried and true old fashioned knowledge and practices are going to have to be revived and made de rigueur.

(c) 2024 Shobha Vanchiswar

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Complaint Box

It feels as though I haven’t as yet got into a summer state of living. Admittedly, my trip to Mumbai swallowed up a few weeks of the season but, that shouldn’t get in the way of feeling it. I put the blame squarely on the weather. It has been way too hot and oppressive to enjoy the days as we’d like. I measure my level of participation by the amount of time I spend in the garden – eagerly and with pleasure.

Typically for me, summer days in the garden are best savored in the early hours of the morning and late afternoon into the evening. High temperatures and humidity do me in so, I avoid those mid-day hours. This year, it’s been unprecedentedly hot and muggy even in those ‘bookend’ hours. I have found it really difficult to work in the garden. As for lingering and simply reveling in the garden goings on, it’s been unbearable. In addition, the biting bugs are in abundance and attack immediately. Using repellents when the skin is already sweaty and hot is not at all pleasant. As a result, time in the garden has been reduced to the bare minimum – just enough to get routine chores done. I deeply miss being able to live in the garden. From dawn to dusk.

Returning home after time away has presented an abundance of work. The garden had run amok. And it has been really challenging to bring back some order. As I’d mentioned last week, I have a deadline. The Digging Deeper event is this coming Sunday and like every self-respecting gardener, I want my garden to look its seasonal best. Last week’s heat put paid to any garden work. Working in temperatures in the high 90s but felt like the 100s would’ve been downright dangerous. So I took care of myriad indoor tasks. The weekend ended up being a marathon of chores. The family rallied like champions. Much got done. Pruning, trimming, weeding, editing, clearing, thinning – it felt endless. Yet, much remains and the clock is ticking as once again, the weather is going to get unpleasant.

In the end, after our best efforts, matters will be what they’ll be. And all who attend on Sunday will surely understand because they are all gardeners. I fully expect all to empathize and eagerly anticipate some commiseration on how this summer has been less than ideal. Misery loves company after all.

Note; With a view to Digging Deeper, I’m sharing images of the espalier fence and the vertical garden. Sign up if you want to learn how to add these features to your own gardens!

(c) 2021 Shobha Vanchiswar

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July Ripples


July comes in many waves

surges first in stars and stripes

then butterflies surf garden sites

spilling over in swells and sprays

as heated rollers collapse the days.

Shobha Vanchiswar

The past week has been trying. The heat wave followed by heavy rains pretty much kept me indoors. In the beginning, it was kind of fun to have legitimate reason to loll in air-conditioned comfort and read at leisure. But after a couple of days, I started fretting over the garden. When I finally ventured out, as expected, the weeds had made great strides. A few days without vigilance and the hooligans had gone to town. What weeding could be done between rain showers was done. But that’s it. It just wasn’t possible to do more.

This week is once again fraught with erratic weather but I think I can no longer take it easy. There’s more weeding, plenty of deadheading and cutting back awaiting. The spice bush and climbing hydrangea are being strangled by Virginia creeper that somehow escaped notice till now. And the ornamental raspberry is threatening to overrun the meadow. The bees love it so, thus far, I’ve been reluctant to disturb their bliss. It’s going to be quite a job to pull out a substantial chunk of this hardy plant but I cannot afford to delay– several other plants in the vicinity are being smothered.

Meanwhile, with all the warmth and humidity, the snail and slug populations have exploded. A real bumper crop. Aaaargh!

The list of chores grows and the weather refuses to cooperate. So I’m left with no choice but to get out and get on. Sigh. My pile of summer reading must wait.

Note: Some images of whats doing in my garden at present –


Ornamental raspberry





First fig

Day lily

R. strawberry hills


Acanthus rising

(c) 2021 Shobha Vanchiswar

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Back In The Garden

The weather this past weekend was nothing short of stellar. It could not be beat. Bright and sparkly, low humidity, temperatures in the low 70’s. After two weeks in rain soaked Mumbai, this was quite literally a breath of fresh air. What an amazing homecoming.

Taking advantage of this gift, I visited Stonecrop Gardens in Cold Spring, NY on Saturday. If you’ve never been, you must. It was Frank Cabot’s home – yes, the man who helped found the Garden Conservancy. You can read all about this garden on their website. It’s quite a gem.

Summer’s end is not typically the best time to visit most gardens. But I was in need of it. Inspiration is always to be found and I was not disappointed. Big splashes of summer color and a seasonal untidiness abounded. I loved the fullness of the plantings everywhere. The realities of the season made apparent by burgeoning seed-heads, flamboyant flowers, plants jostling for space in their beds and a certain wildness to it all. This was Life at full throttle. In contrast, the verdant quietude found in the wisteria pavilion by the pond provided that pause to breathe deeply and free the mind from quotidian worries.

In walking around, I realized that the high point for me, was the general end-of-season mess and the sight of the ravaged leaves of kale and other plants. Critter(s) had gone to town and riddled the leaves so they looked like badly made lace antimacassars. I found that very comforting because it made me feel like my own garden was in good company. This is the reality. If you’re using organic methods, one cannot have a pristine, near perfect, neat and tidy garden at the close of the summer. Given the strange spring and summer we have had, it’s been particularly difficult to manage the garden as one has in years past. Weather fluctuations have been so erratic that my expectations were lowered sufficiently to protect my ego from too much injury.

By observing how lovely Stonecrop looked despite everything made me see my own garden with kinder eyes and appreciation.

Energized by that visit, on Sunday, I whipped the garden into better shape. A little cosmetic fiddling goes a long way. Weeding, deadheading, pruning and a general tidying up did wonders. I revamped the window-boxes and other urns and pots with a bit of tropical flair that I can only explain as the influence of my recent sojourn to India. Traveling has that impact doesn’t it?

And now, I’m set to enjoy the remaining weeks of summer with renewed enthusiasm. Salut!

Chilies in the window boxes
Pruned back espalier
Last rose(s) of summer?
Note the banana plants standing sentry
New batch of cool weather greens
The meadow
Pink turtleheads in the meadow
Party ready

(c) 2019 Shobha Vanchiswar

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Garden Things

I’m in the thick of garden fever. Open Day is less than three weeks away. When I’m not actually in the garden, I’m thinking about it, perusing garden literature or talking about it. So much to consider – chores, plants, tips, new-to-me information, weather, wildlife, one’s own limitations ( physical, budget, time…), successes and failures. It’s never ending and I realize how tedious this can be for a non-gardener. A friend asked recently why gardeners always talked about the amount of work, the perils, trials and tribulations and then insisted on continuing the activity of gardening. How could I possibly convince her that those things are all part of the joy of gardening?!

It’s always exciting to learn something new and I’m happy to share. Maybe everybody is aware already but I discovered only recently that fritillaria are closely related to lilies. That in itself doesn’t make one sit up but here’s the reason to pay attention – they are just as attractive to the pretty but vile red lily beetle. Ugh. I’d all but stopped growing lilies because those horrid insects would always show up to ruthlessly decimate them. Now I have to worry about the many fritillaria I’m so happy to grow in the garden. Oy vay.

The somewhat low height ( 5 feet) at which the bluebird house is set up leaves it vulnerable to predators that can easily scramble up the metal pole to access the eggs/babies. It is worrisome and yet, the bluebirds prefer that open, low location. A coating of automotive grease along the length of the pole and over the copper covered roof helps enormously in deterring snakes, cats and squirrels. An easy solution like this always pleases me – fingers crossed it works.

All the stakes and supports are put in place before the plants are fully grown and it gets complicated to support them discretely. I also see this as a way to show the plants that I believe in their ability to reach their highest potential. Sly horticultural psychology.

Over the years, the labels marking the assorted apple and pear trees of the espalier had faded. It’s so easy to get lax about keeping things such as labels in order. At the espalier, it is particularly relevant to see which tree is bearing fruit and which is not. It might simply be an academic sort of accounting but I believe good gardening should come with a sound knowledge of what’s going on everywhere in the garden. I’ve now relabeled the fruit trees and must admit to an undeserving amount of satisfaction.

In my bid to tweak things a bit, I’ve moved around an object or two, refreshed a couple of walls with a lick of paint and replaced a feature with another. In the process, my own spirit has been tweaked and I’m in a much better frame of mind. Go figure.

And so it goes. Seemingly small investments of time, energy and resources but with nice dividends.

Note – Open Day is May 18th!

(c) 2019 Shobha Vanchiswar

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