My garden is not what it was 20 years ago or even 2 years ago. Neither am I who I was 20 or 2 years ago! Time changes everything. Indeed, it must make change happen. Otherwise, we’d be at a standstill. No growth of any kind within ourselves or in the living world could only portend disaster. Life is about moving forward. Hopefully towards the light.
A garden, by nature, evolves. Plants grow and in time they fill out spaces sidling up to neighbors to form a matrix of colors and textures. Trees grow tall and transform areas from sunny to shady. Weather patterns shift and planting patterns are shaken up. All this without any help from human intervention! But of course, the gardener must do her interfering. New plants, new design ideas and new purchases have to be accommodated fairly often. At the very least I tweak and at the very most I overhaul.
Just this year alone, because of the necessary drainage project, the two front beds had to be dug up and then replanted. Despite saving many old plants, we lost several longstanding members in the process. Replacements plus new additions were put in. And just like that, these beds are no longer how they used to be. With any luck, they will be better. At least that is always the goal isn’t it?
This project was not entirely a surprise. There was always the need and intent to do it but nothing definitive had been penciled in. So I was a bit unprepared for the upheaval it caused in the garden and in my heart. But, having learned from the garden that nothing stays the same, I was, after a spot of feeling grumbling, able to get on board, accept the situation, make new plans for the old beds.
Similarly, setbacks in life have to be handled. In the face of defeat, we cannot keep looking back and yearning for what was and/or what might have been. While sadness, fear and anger are valid emotions to feel and must be acknowledged, we cannot move towards the light until we let go of the darkness. It might take a while but we will get there. One day at a time.
Imagine the world/garden we seek and lets figure out how to make it a reality. We plan, research, acquire required skills, sources and resources, create the right conditions, introduce our ideas/plants, give or get the appropriate support, nurture them all diligently, give time and patience to effect the envisioned change. Then and only then will we have moved forward. Turning back is never an option.
Note: Enjoy these images from the 2024 New York Botanical Garden’s Holiday Train Show. It’s fun, joyous, very creative and oh so inspiring!

(c) 2024 Shobha Vanchiswar
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